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Can you make money from blogging

Can you make money by blogging 

There are two answers to this question short answer can be no, and the long answer can be yes just read more to get your answer and how you can do it in today's world.Don't just focus on text-based content, the traditional blog was just text-based content and that what people would publish then they would go to a social media a post (hi I have a blog post how to make a million dollars or a blog post about some wonderful stuff go check it out at this link).
That use to be so simple and cool in those time
Now text-based content is not everything because technology moves up the rank each an every day, check out smartphones, tablets, laptops and more. The thing is no one has the time reading a bunch of text.Technology pushes thing to videos and audios to make thing easier for the user and the producer, but the producer can make tones of money if he or she do thing the right way.

Can you still make money from blogging

The answer is base on what work you the blogger do and how you do it.
The math is not hard to understand here, so take a good look at things in an open mind.

There are 4.39 billion internet users on Google each day, that's a lot right 
There are 1.94 billion websites on the internet and over 500 million found to be blogs that are roughly one blog for every seven people internet user. the numbers don't stop here cause over 4 million blog posts every day and it only leads to one blog post each day lead 1,000 user per-day but what happens to other blog posts days, weeks, or months ago?

how to push your blog up the rank

when you creating blog be very creative to make your blog very entertaining with things such as video, podcast, audio-based content publish these on your blog.

Blogging is not just putting content on your site, the content should be everywhere, take your blog content and repost it everywhere you can like social media Facebook, LinkedIn, medium, Quora, YouTube, and Instagram

Blogging on hold is not the same as it uses to be it's more of a work and expense now, let's say you post your content and you move up the rank than Google releases an update. what happens now is that your blog post starts falling down the rank, have you notice that the people that don't get hit the most are those who update very regular like Wikipedia they are always on page one, the community update every day keeping their content fresh with up to date text content.

how to improve my blog

you need to update your content over and over with the latest and greatest information you going to do better on the search engine, but if you don't update you are going to notice that your rankings are declining over time maybe not your main page of your website the pages that  go out for long-tail phrase will decline in google rank.

To give you an idea take your business serious and set schedule time for everything to be done, take things as a job you go to every day set a specific time for content creation, content updates, drive traffic and more.
you can hire a freelancer to update you old text-base contents if you do all of that you will also find better ranking but true thing is that blogging is not that of an ROI as it uses to be 7 or 8 years ago.

 why all of that is because nowadays it's not that easy to convert them on these mobile devices and it's harder to convert them off YouTube than it is off your own domain, it's even harder to convert them from Facebook than your own domain why because Facebook and YouTube want to keep them there so they make more ads revenue.

But this is how to make it worth your time.
you got to keep collecting emails and make your visitors become subscribers. you can use tools like, or whatever you want so you can continue to get people to come back to your site. that's how you will get to sell these people over time.  
if you expect people to just watch a youtube video, facebook video, Instagram video, and just buy from you NO! it will not generate for you but just a few maybe will check out your domain. the bottom line is you got to build an audience through email and let them keep coming to your site if you don't you not going to do well that well but when you keep things up-to-date and have subscribers you will get a better ROI.

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